Tragedy Strikes... the Kiwanis Family Takes Action
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ICON 2001 Review

Attack on America


"Freedom was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended" President Bush speaks of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
On September 11, 2001 our nation was struck by unbelievable terror. The events that unfolded tuesday morning impacted every American's life. The following is a letter sent out by the International leadership team of the Kiwanis Family. It outlines what Kiwanis is doing to help the victims of these horrible tragedies.

Dear Friends in Kiwanis:

The recent horrific crimes against humanity in New York City and Washington have shocked and grieved all the members of our Kiwanis family of service. The victims are not only Americans but citizens of many nations, the followers of different faiths, and human beings of every race, age, and gender. Kiwanians and the friends and loved ones of Kiwanians have been struck by tragedy, and Kiwanians are among those working in the search and rescue efforts to recover survivors.

The International Office has received numerous messages of sympathy and condolence from around the world. Many of those sending messages also ask whether there is anything they can do to help. The Kiwanis International Foundation has responded by establishing the 911 Victims Children Fund, which will be used to aid the children of the countless victims. We will work with the New York and Capital Districts and the clubs in the affected areas to ensure that contributions will be directed to the highest and best uses possible.

Our prayers go out to all those who are suffering because of these evil deeds. Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids members can demonstrate the opposing power of love through service to those who suffer. Please join us in serving the children who are truly the most innocent victims of these terrible tragedies.

Bo Shafer, President Kiwanis International

Brian Cunat, President-designate Kiwanis International
Cindy Brigham, President Circle K International

Teo Nicolais, President Key Club International

Thomas H. Dunham, President Kiwanis International Foundation

William L. Martin, President-designate Kiwanis International Foundation


Blood and platelet donors will be needed over the next several weeks to help replenish the nation's supply. Call the Red Cross at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or America's Blood Centers at 1-888-BLOOD-88 to schedule an appointment.
To donate money to the Red Cross for assisting victims of the attacks, call 1-800-HELP-NOW. For complete information, visit our How to Help page.


We remember the victims of NYC...

Washington DC's Pentagon...

and perhaps the most tragic of the victims... the children who did not survive and the ones who are left without a parent.