ICON 2001 Review
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International Convention 2001 in Buffalo NY - August 4th through 8th
WOW! The only thing I can say about our few days in Buffalo! WOW!!
The Pennsylvania District sent roughly 40 people to represent us at the convention, and of those participants, six were from the Capital Division! Ashley (Dickinson Pres), Allision (Dickinson VP), Adam (Millersville VP), Angela (Dickison-District Editor), Kim (Millersville Immediate Past VP), and myself were in Buffalo for the festivities.
Pennsylvania District was well represented at the convention in the awards department. Unfortunately, none of the Capital Division schools were honored with any awards, but that just gives us something to work towards for 2002! The winning PA clubs were... Duquesne for winning a GEM Award for membership growth over the past year; to Drexel for their 3rd place in Club Achievement; and Penn State Main for their 3rd place in Club Achievement. Way to go PACK!
No matter where you were, or who you were talking to, the same phrase kept coming up in conversations... MP2! The Millenium Plan was a hot topic, and led to some heated debates. After going to a workshop where the plan was the only thing discussed, and hearing from the Interational Board, I feel I now have a good grasp of what the plan is all about. At first, many people (including myself) thought the plan was a bad, dangerous move! However, after hearing all the facts I am glad to report that the plan is in our best interest. We'll talk about this more at the fall rally so you too can understand the future of CKI.
We had the tremendous responsibility of electing next year's board. There were many candidates that we felt could do the job, and do it well, but in the end only one person could win. Our next International President is Cindy Brigham from Indiana University. She has a rich K-Family history, and is looking forward to working with the members of CKI to take us into the future! After meeting her, and having the opportunity to talk to her personally, I feel she will represent us well.
For those of you that missed Convention 2001, make sure to make it for ICON 2002 in O-town, Florida!! The hotel looks great, the convention will be full of fun, and Disneyworld is right down the street! Look for more info to come soon!

Is that Trustee from PA?
Our immediate past District Governor Kathleen Carosi decided to take the ultimate challenge, and run for an international position. After a great job caucusing, and a couple of superb speeches, it was announced that she had been elected to serve as an INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE on the 2001-2002 Board of Trustees!!
She did a lot for the District, and now her talent and dedication to this organization can be seen on the International level. The District is very proud of her, and what she was able to accomplish. We are so fortunate to have such a special young woman representing us to the rest of CKI! Way to go Kathleen.

Did you have any Kodak moments?
Look for pictures from ICON 2001 to appear on this webpage in the next couple of weeks. Then, you will not only be able to see what you missed by not attending, but what you are in store for if you attend ICON 2002!


Attend International Convention 2002 in the backyard of EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ANIMATED CHARACTERS in Orlando Florida!! Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to see Disney World, meet CKI members from all over the world, and experience the time of your life! Information about this convention is soon to come!