The Kiwanis Family is ONLINE!
No matter what part of the Kiwanis Family your looking for, you can find them online. Use each of these sites for information on the organizations, as well as a resource to build your Kiwanis knowledge. These sites are great for finding out what's going on in the different organizations, and how you can help them in their commitment to serve others.
Do you have a KEY Club near you? Did you know that there are 11,000+ KEY CLUBBERS in the Pennsylvania District of KEY Club International? Just think of the amount of Service we could do if we teamed up with them. Circle K and KEY Club... a good combination! Find out what they are doing in your area by clicking on their website from below!
K - Links
Pennsylvania District Circle K
This site gets you in the know on the happenings right here in the PACK.
Circle K International
This is the official site of Circle K International. Use this for reference, or to find out what is going on with our Organization on the International level.
Erie Division
What's going on in the Erie Division? Find out here!
Allegheny Division
The Allegheny Division, led by the lovely LtG Nikki, is located online here.
Centre Division
Find out how the Centre Division is serving at this site.
Capital District Circle K
A District that knows how to have fun. These members aren't too far from our Division. DID SOMEBODY SAY INTERCLUB?
Pennsylvania District KEY Club
Find out what all those CRAZY high school KEY Clubbers are doing, in this site updated by District Editor Brian.
KEY Club International
KEY Club... Internationally speaking.
Pennsylvania District Kiwanis
Find out what the PA District Kiwanians are doing, and how you can help them in their commitment to the youth of the world!
Kiwanis International
This is the website of Kiwanis. A very important resource in the Kiwanis Family.
Millersville University Circle K
The website of my home club, MUCK!